Friday, May 6, 2016

Good afternoon all,

Based on our reading, think of a similar experience that has happened to you and narrate it to us. Use present tense, even though this was in the past.

Make sure to answer the 5Ws in your answer.
  • When was it?
  • Where was it?
  • Who was with you?
  • What happened?
  • How did it end?
  • Describe our feelings before and after the situation. 

Tall Enough

When I am teenager, my dream is to become basketball superstar. But the height of 178 cm trouble me long time. All person, my friends, my team members, always think I am not tall enough for basketball player. It really deeply hurt me. Until one day, I listen a speech "Never give up" by Cherchill. It touch me. "For dream, never give up. 178 cm is enough", I tall myself. 
From that, everyday, I practices skills and excise my body after school. After one years, I become the shortest player in our middle school basketball team. This case set a strong self-confident. And I find short is not totally bad things. This height means more fast, more flexible than tall one. So I continuously improve myself. After three years, I become the basketball team leader in my high school, also the shortest player in our team. And at high school basketball matches in my city, our team get 2nd and I obtain the best guide point award.
I receive my dream as basketball superstar, at least in our city. Now, if some one ask me how height is enough for play basketball, I will say your tall is enough.